Pacific Loop By The Numbers

We were blessed by the weather Gods for our last sail of this cruise. Friday’s return to Shilshole from Port Townsend was downwind in 15 knots, on a beautiful sunny Seattle summer day. It was nice to see many of the great spots in Puget Sound and be reminded of what we have come home to. This is the last posting for this blog, so I’ll wrap it up with some metrics. Here is our Pacific Loop By The Numbers:


As has been mentioned many times in this blog, one of the things we enjoy most about cruising is the opportunity to learn something new every day. What was the most important thing we learned in the last 1,595 days? I think it was that we do love cruising and want to do more, but we also need to take a break once in a while. We have traveled hard since leaving Ecuador in November ’08, racking up over 20,000 of those miles in the last 20 months. So for now we’ll stay home for a bit and keep up the website with information about the boat. Then when the time is right we’ll start another blog and head south again for our next adventure on Yohelah. Until then, thanks everyone for sailing along with us. It has been so much fun.

Teresa, Rob & Maya